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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:56 am    Post subject: Squirrels Reply with quote

There were Five country churches in a small TEXAS town:
The Presbyterian Church , the Baptist Church , the Methodist Church , the Catholic Church and the Jewish Synagogue. Each was overrun with pesky squirrels .

One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they Determined that the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will.

In The Baptist Church the squirrels had taken up habitation in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a cover on the baptistery and drown the squirrels in it. The squirrels escaped somehow and there were twice as many there the next week.

The Methodist Church got together and decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creation. So, they humanely trapped the Squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town. Three days later, the squirrels were back.

The Catholic Church thought they hadcome up with the best and most effective solution. They baptized the squirrels and registered them as members of the church. Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter

The best solution however was the one below:

Not much was heard about the Jewish Synagogue , But they took one squirrel and had a short service with him called circumcision and they haven't seen a squirrel on the property since.
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