kylumi Guest

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:11 am Post subject: Creating Textures in Photo Shop |
HOW TO CREATE TEXTURES - with only using your Photoshop tools.
You have to remember, that there are 'unlimited' steps in creating textures. You can stop after a few steps, or you can always go on until whatever or whenever you feel satisfied with the result effects of the texture. In this tutorial, I'm only explaining how roughly and basically to create a nice, cool texture on your own, only using the default tools in Photoshop. PSP users can also try this, of course.
1. Create a new file with a white background. Pick your base colors for both Foreground/Background. Start with browns and beiges.
2. FILTER-RENDER-DIFFERENCE CLOUDS (repeat this step +/- 4 times)
3. DUPLICATE that layer and change the layer mode to OVERLAY and apply FILTER-BRUSH STROKES-ACCENTED EDGES then SHARPEN it
4. Go back to your first layer, and apply BLUR-MOTION BLUR to add movement, then DESATURATE it.
5. Still with your first layer, go to IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-INVERT
6. Add a new layer after your top layer. Pick a large, soft round brush (default) with a low flow (35%) brush around your new layer with your own desired colors. I usually just use the same colors as the previous ones.
7. Add FILTER-ADD NOISE with any settings you like.
8. You can sharpen it if you want to add roughness. Or lower the opacity of the layer if you like it just 'faintly'. Don't forget to play with the layer modes.
9. DUPLICATE your noise layer and apply FILTER-SKETCH-RETICULATION (Density=2 Forground level=40 Background level=5). Then apply FILTER-STYLIZE-WIND (default settings) Change the layer mode to anything you prefer. Always check how it looks using the different modes.
10. At this point you should alredy have a texture that you can save.
11. With that last top layer, try INVERTING the layer by going to IMAGE- ADJUSTMENTS-INVERT this will give you a different effect altogether.
12. Now you can add the more realistic touches to your texture, such as brush strokes, scratches, splatters, burnt spots, etc. I also make my own brushes....i use these in some shape or form on all my covers now
13. Pick a small, soft round brush, or any default brush you like to use. then create a new layer. With a color of light beige, or darker brown/grey, you scribble around the blank layer. Then apply FILTER-DISTORT-RIPPLE (repeat FILTER step) then you can SHARPEN it twice, depends on how 'sharp/edgy' you like the ripple effect.
14. Change the layer modes to SOFT LIGHT.
15. If it doesn't look right to you, then again, try INVERT that layer then change the mode to COLOR BURN in LOW opacity (30%).
16. Now use the LINE TOOL or brushes to create black/white lines in there.. Change the modes to either OVERLAY or SOFTLIGHT.
17. Then I would go back to the base texture. I COPY/PASTE it onto a new layer. Move the layer around, it shouldn't be right on top of the original layer 2. In this one, I put it on top of the rippled layer with mode OVERLAY.
18. Now you should have a cool texture. My advice to you, whenever you see a different effect, SAVE it as a texture. This way, you can always go back to it and play with it again to create something different all over again, or just leave it as is.
19. The next steps are basically playing with colors. I would go to IMAGE- ADJUSTMENTS-HUE/SATURATION setting and play with the settings there on one of the textured layer. Change it around and find the colors that you like.
20. Use the BURN tool to create burnt/darker spots or use the DODGE tool to highlight some spots.
21. Use your shape tools to add shapes all over your texture, and remember to play with layer modes and opacity. You can even Duplicate a layer and ROTATE/SKEW/DISTORT it and you'll get a nice different effect again.. Change the colors and modes again, etc.
I hope these basic steps would give you more ideas to create your own textures. It's not hard to do if you know how your tools/filters work. Always remember, that there are no FIXED ways to create effects. Photoshop is HUGE. You just have to PLAY and EXPERIMENT to get the cool stuff. It takes time, though. Please don't ever get frustrated with your work, because everything will always start 'ugly and plain' but the more you play and experiment with it, you'll be amazed with what you'd get.
The basic principle which i apply to myself is that by using textures it takes me completley away from producing retail looking covers. Good thing, bad thing I don't really know but it's a fun way of producing something different
i now have around 200 textures..................but i doubt i will ever get em all used on covers |